Monday, March 2, 2009

Outline #1 March 2, 2009

I: With the governments choice to reduce the budgets for universities, the student will have bare the burden with smaller class selection, larger student population per class, and a smaller bank account.

A: Smaller class selections with draw students to remain in college way beyond the national average and push them away to different universities together.

            1: As class selections decrease, students will not be able to get into required classes that are needed for graduation or perquisites for future courses.

            2: When classes are not available on one campus, individuals will venture and research other schools that can accommodate them.

B: Students will begin to feel crowded in classrooms competing for attention from the professors and fellow peers.

            1: The student teacher relationship will start to fade, with teachers being discouraged to learn the large number of students’ names or even remember who they are.

            2: Compatibility amongst students will no longer be existent, discouraging students to get involved with each other, with the

C: With budgets depleting across the board, tuition, and books with cost more for students, creating hardship on to supply necessities.

            1: Fees accumulating into what is tuition lays a huge burden on students’ shoulders, causing conflicts in the student’s overall budget.

            2: Not only with the raise of tuition, but also books, housing, and other school utilities are beginning to pinch student pockets tight. 

1 comment:

  1. Your thesis is a good start but why should your readers care about this topic. You are almost there with it, but make it revelatory.
